Benefits of acupuncture
Acupuncture works by inserting extremely fine needles into the energy pathways of the body. The needles release blocks in these channels and stimulate the flow of energy to specific organs. As a result, your ability to heal yourself is activated. Usually, your symptoms are relieved and you feel a greater sense of wellbeing. How long this takes is often related to how long you have had the problems.
The results from our teaching clinic have been carefully audited and the conclusions published. Over a six year period, over 80% of patients reported a good change both in their symptoms and their overall feeling of wellbeing. These results were based on ten treatments or less. Some patients with long standing complaints can take longer.
You can read about the research here.
You have two options for treatment here at the college:
- Teaching clinic. You will be treated by a final year student under the close supervision of an experienced clinical supervisor. These treatments are offered at a reduced price, are only available on specific days, the appointments take longer because of the supervision process and give a high standard of care.
- Practitioner clinic. These treatments are carried out by qualified practitioners with many years of experience. They regularly undertake continual professional development and are members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC).
- To enquire, ring the college on 0118 950 8880.
If you are searching for a practitioner elsewhere and want to be treated by a CICM graduate, please use the British Acupuncture Council's 'find an acupuncturist page'. You can search via location, then go on to a practitioner's individual website to find out where they trained.